Drew Turney
Freelance journalist

About Drew Turney

articles by Drew Turney

22 Jun 2018

LONGREAD: bringing out your dead data

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

Need a file you saved 10 years ago? Good luck reading it. We explore the changing nature of digital storage.

05 Dec 2017

LONGREAD: who's liable if AI goes wrong?

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

AI choices have caused discrimination, racism and at least one death. When a computer's learned more than the developer has programmed into it, who do we blame?

27 Jun 2017

LONGREAD: should you fear the internet of things?

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

The internet of things world is becoming all-pervasive. Who's going to make sure it's secure?

03 Mar 2017

LONGREAD: Getting it wrong: why prediction is (mostly) a mug’s game

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

The year 2016 was replete with confident assurances Donald Trump would never win the presidency, from names no less venerable than the New York Times and The Guardian.

23 Dec 2016

LONGREAD: When nature did it first: the art and science of biomimicry

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

“Those who are inspired by a model other than Nature, a mistress above all masters, are laboring in vain.”

14 Oct 2016

Demystifying cloud computing

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

If you've ever used Gmail, Facebook or Dropbox, congratulations: you're a cloud computing user.

09 Sep 2016

LONGREAD: how the world is being digitised

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

Let’s say you're interested in an investment property. But it's in another city and you can't be there to view the floorplan. Instead, you visit a website and do a virtual walkthrough – in 3D, not just on a computer screen - where it's fully furnished, contains realistic lighting and final surface colours – before it's even built.

26 Nov 2015

AI agents: the next step in cybersecurity

Drew Turney | Freelance journalist

As cybercriminals improve their methods, so too does the cybersecurity industry – the arms race between the two isn't news. But here's what is – one of the earliest and most developed examples of artificial intelligence we have in the world might finally give protection from cyberthreats the edge we've been waiting for.