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INFOGRAPHIC: a sharp right toward the future

Associate Director, Client Insights and Solutions & State Director, Emerging Corporate, ANZ

Published on 7 August 2018

The Australian road transport industry appears to have turned the corner. Research from ANZ shows increased revenue and returns in the sector during fiscal 2017 - the first time this has happened in the past five years, fuelling increased capex in the industry.

The Australian economy remains buoyant with trade being a key contributor. Gross domestic product is experiencing sturdy growth with unemployment rates remaining low – both with a positive outlook. 

"The Australian trucking industry has experienced a noteworthy increase in both revenue and margins which is supporting increased capex.” 

Road transport is a large and significant portion of the Australian economy but the industry continues to consolidate due to fierce competition and increased operating and safety costs. The demand for trucking services will continue to be strong but the landscape will change. 

ANZ analysed a sample of 35 Australian trucking companies with a combined revenue of over $A11bn representing around 27 per cent of the total industry. Key findings are detailed in the infographic below. 


Tim Suffield is Associate Director, Client Insights and Solutions Institutional Bank & Graham Kerr is State Director, Emerging Corporate at ANZ.

If you’d like to read more about this research you can contact

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

INFOGRAPHIC: a sharp right toward the future
Tim Suffield & Graham Kerr
Associate Director, Client Insights and Solutions & State Director, Emerging Corporate, ANZ

