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VIDEO: success is a culture of learning

Innovation & Technology Editor, bluenotes

Published on 30 November 2018

As the corporate world evolves and radically new paradigms like artificial intelligence and machine learning transform working life, the nature of work will change.

According to ANZ’s Head of Learning Rita Newman, that means businesses have an obligation to create a culture of learning among their people. But more than that: those organisations which do create a learning culture will be those that succeed. 

"Everyone needs to be thinking about how they can constantly learn, grow and equip themselves to really have the skills required for tomorrow.” – Newman

“Organisations, industries and society at large have a responsibility really to ensure their people are equipped to be learning new skills,” she told bluenotes on video and podcast. “(They must) provide different opportunities for them to access different types of learning."

“These are the organisations that will win and in turn offer something back to employees.”

Newman said by 2030 it is estimated 800 million jobs globally will be impacted by technology but 85 per cent of that era’s jobs don't actually exist today.

“The world is changing and no one is immune from it,” she said. “Everyone needs to be thinking about how they can learn new skills and constantly learn, grow and equip themselves to really have the skills required… for tomorrow.”


Businesses must keep pace with the speed of change and adapt to simply survive - as do employees, Newman said.

“Learning is critical to that type of transformation and is a must do for all organisations,” she said.

“Research shows the average shelf life of a skill is about five years and that is rapidly decreasing to three as this constant …evolution is occurring.”


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Newman said ‘learning to learn’ and being ‘learning oriented’ would be a critical requirement for both people and business.

“We're increasingly seeing the act of learning in and of itself is a skill,” she said. “It's about challenging and pushing oneself outside one's comfort zone.”

“The [businesses that] are progressing are the ones… thinking about how to incorporate learning into the culture of the organisation into the fabric of the business and into their DNA.”

She also touched on other pressures for organisational change and other skills employees of the future will need. Watch the video or listen to the podcast above to find out more.

Carina Parisella is Innovation Editor at bluenotes

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

VIDEO: success is a culture of learning
Carina Parisella
Innovation & Technology Editor, bluenotes

