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Banking & Finance

SIBOS19: full coverage

Published on 23 September 2019


As the world’s biggest banking technology conference kicks off, bluenotes shines a spotlight on the biggest trends dominating the industry now and in the future.

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Are fintechs really a threat to banks…?  

The concept of fintech isn’t so new anymore. Should banks still see them as the enemy?

…or should banks be grateful?

Not barbarians at the gate, the banking industry should thank fintechs for refocusing their attention.

Scope to grow

Bank guarantees are notoriously complex – they needn’t be. One expert discusses on podcast how new distributed-ledger technology can hyper-drive efficiencies.

Design, implement and maintain

Machine learning might be a game-changer but the real lessons will come from the people who design the programs.

Forty-one years of Sibos

Why do banking and technology experts keep turning up to Sibos year after year? Here’s why.

Getting to know you

Money laundering has the potential to jeopardise financial stability across an economy. Everyone involved in trade, including banks, must step up to the challenge.

What ever happened to the NPP?

Real-time payments are the future of trade – domestically and especially cross-border. Particularly as we face an increasingly global marketplace.

Fintech 2015: looking back

Four years ago bluenotes looked to the future and saw a wave of fintech approaching. Look back at our take on the newfangled ‘blockchain’ protocol and more.

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

SIBOS19: full coverage