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IN CHARTS: The divided states of COVID-19 in the US

Senior International Economist and Economist, ANZ

Published on 30 March 2021

Daily new cases of COVID-19 are rising again in the United States despite increased vaccinations.

Last week the seven day moving average touched the highest point since mid-January but remained under 60 per day.

" Daily cases are showing signs of resurgence after a plateau in the last two weeks. More states like California and Florida are mulling opening up vaccinations to all residents.”

The test positivity rate inched up to above 4 per cent. 

The seven-day moving average of daily cases is creeping up as positivity edges higher.




Daily cases are showing signs of resurgence after a plateau in the last two weeks. More states like California and Florida are mulling opening up vaccinations to all residents.




As of 28 March, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported around 143 million doses have been administered, more than 93 million people have had at least one shot and more than 53 million people have had two shots.

President Biden has doubled his US vaccination target of 200 million in his first 100 days in office after crossing the 100 million mark with five weeks remaining.




Tom Kenny is Senior International Economist and Rini Sen is Economist at ANZ

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

IN CHARTS: The divided states of COVID-19 in the US
Tom Kenny & Rini Sen
Senior International Economist and Economist, ANZ

