

22 May 2024

Crafting a practical career path

Kevin Corbally | Chief Risk Officer, ANZ

From chartered accountant to Chief Risk Officer, Kevin Corbally shares his practical approaches to carving out his career path.

09 Apr 2024

The evolution of the workplace – and workforce

Elisa Clements | Group Executive, Talent and Culture, ANZ

The workplace has arguably undergone more change in the last decade than ever before. What’s in store for the coming 12 months, and beyond?

27 Nov 2023

Disability and employment: Everyone’s responsibility

Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ

A workforce is more inclusive if opportunities are extended to all – including the thousands of Australians with a disability seeking employment.

18 Aug 2023

ESG the key to unlock value for small businesses

Mark Ellul & Simon Janes | Head Community Sustainability, ANZ & Portfolio, Data & Credit Appetite Lead, ANZ

The world and its consumers are seeking to find businesses with responsible practices. Small and medium sized business can play a big role, here are some of their stories.

29 Aug 2022

Does hybrid working really improve the employee experience?

Vinit Jha | Domain Lead, Employee Experience, ANZ

In nature, hybrids are noted for more vigour and adaptability. A world-class employee experience is needed if hybrid working can deliver too.

22 May 2017

PODCAST: Disrupt yourself first

David Lewis | Australian business professional and founder of The Mentor List

It’s not just companies that disrupt, personal disruption can be just as powerful, author and influential management thinker Whitney Johnson explains.

19 Apr 2017

Eleanor Roosevelt, cats and professional excellence

Katie Bennett-Stenton | National Marketing Lead, Energy & Resources, Deloitte

Cats are said to have nine lives – but to ensure corporate survival and an upwards professional trajectory it can seem like you need more than nine to keep pace with change.

18 Apr 2017

Women and careers: a story of choice

Erica Hardinge | Head of Security Enablement, ANZ

Countless times throughout my career I've been counselled that I need to choose - often by amazing mothers and full-time career women.

10 Apr 2017

Emotional intelligence: a core leadership skill

Leon Gettler | Veteran and highly regarded management journalist

Emotional intelligence - the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others - is now regarded as a core skill for leaders who want to get the best out of their teams.

29 Mar 2017

VIDEO: where real leadership happens

Andrew Cornell | Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

The idea everyone can be a leader is a myth, ANZ director Paula Dwyer says, but that doesn’t mean leadership can’t be found at every level of an organisation.

27 Mar 2017

We need to talk about mental health (at work)

Darren Abbruzzese | Former General Manager Data, ANZ

I had a conversation recently with a colleague who spoke of his wife's anxiety issues. Sometimes her anxiety can be quite overwhelming and he's had to take time off work to care for her.

10 Mar 2017

VIDEO: art, business and credit cards

Ha Bui | BlueNotes contributing editor

There is a long history of artists working with business. From the Medicis in the renaissance to institutions like the Catholic Church and now modern corporations, many great and revered works of art have come from these relationships.