ANZ has full coverage, analysis and opinion on the release of the 2022-23 Australian Federal Budget and what this means for individual, businesses – big and small – and the economy.
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Yetsenga: cementing policy gains
ANZ Chief Economist outlines the aspects of the Budget which caught his eye. And what this means for the shape of the nation.
Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ
After a hard few years of restrictions and recovery, business owners can look forward to some support from the Budget.
Jenefer Stewart | GM Business Banking, ANZ
Tax cuts, infrastructure and defence – find the highlights of this year’s Budget in this easy-to-read infographic.
David Plank | Head of Australian Economics, ANZ
As the cost of living continues to grow, will spending take a hit? Read through the measures promising to take pressure off wallets.
Adelaide Timbrell | Senior Economist, ANZ
Fresh from the lock-up, read through immediate reactions to the Government’s plan to support the recovery in an election year.
Hayden Dimes | Rates Strategist & Economist, ANZ
ANZ Research expected to see improvement in Australia’s deficit this Budget. Did they get it right?
Hayden Dimes & David Plank | Rates Strategist and Economist & Head of Australian Economics, ANZ
The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.