

17 Jun 2024

Australian housing: signs of slowdown

Blair Chapman | Senior Economist, ANZ

Growth in Australia’s largest housing markets is showing signs of slowdown as population growth slows alongside an increase in available housing.

24 Apr 2024

Tackling the rental crisis

Jeff Whalley | Senior Journalist, ANZ

How does Australia unravel the rental crisis? ANZ’s expert panel examined factors – such as supply, alleviating skills shortages and productivity – that could bring change.

22 Apr 2024

Searching for the right housing formula

Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ

Most focus falls on supply issues in the housing affordability debate – but a broader view on the use of existing stock has the potential to be more effective.

26 Mar 2024

Why Australians love pre-loved property

Shannon McMahon | Managing Director, Home Loans, ANZ

With sales of existing homes dominating Australian housing transactions, the decisions made by existing owners - upgrading, renovating or staying put – can have a huge impact on the market.

29 Jan 2024

Taking the next step on the property ladder

Shannon McMahon | Managing Director, Home Loans, ANZ

To renovate, or to sell, that is the question for millions of so-called “changeover buyers” across Australia.

28 Nov 2023

The housing hurdles

Adelaide Timbrell & Eliza Owen | Senior Economist, ANZ Institutional and Head of Australian Research, CoreLogic Australia

The great Australian housing dream has faced it’s fair share of challenges – but some interesting divergences are appearing in the market and what’s in store for 2024?

20 Nov 2023

Solutions for social and affordable housing

Kevin Corbally | Chief Risk Officer, ANZ

Australia needs to boost supply of housing for its most needy, ANZ is helping deliver some new and innovative solutions.

02 Nov 2023

Why do Australians choose mortgage brokers?

Natalie Smith | General Manager, Retail Broker, ANZ

Australian home buyers love to do research and be well prepared, a broker is seen as an important part of that process.

19 Oct 2023

Savings for a roof over your head, and for rainy days to come

Maile Carnegie | Group Executive - Australia Retail, ANZ

The Saver Plus program has helped 53,000 people save more than $27 million. It’s also helped people like Danielle with her long-term saving goal of home ownership.

03 Oct 2023

Queensland: plan for a net-zero world

Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ

Queensland is blessed. People want to live there, and nations want to buy its resources. But what comes next?

21 Aug 2023

A new view on the property market

Brett Foley | Managing Editor, bluenotes

Technology is disrupting every aspect of business, including the property market. View Media Group wants to harness that innovation to change the way consumers buy and sell property – and more.

17 Jul 2023

Is the RBA done with interest hikes?

Adam Boyton | Head of Australian Economics, ANZ

There’s still a chance the Reserve Bank of Australia could lift interest rates in August. However the case for an extended pause on further increases is growing.