
VIDEO: How big data becomes big value

Big data on its own won’t change the world for business, SAS Australia & New Zealand chief operating officer Lynette Clunies-Ross says. It’s only when you apply it to big opportunities that you create big value.

Speaking to BlueNotes on video as part of ANZ’s W:Drive initiative, Clunies-Ross said the companies making the most of big data are the ones using it to change the way they deal with customers.

"Every company is going to need analytics eventually if they are going to be competitive."
Lynette Clunies-Ross, SAS Australia & New Zealand COO

How big data becomes big value

“We know data is doubling every doubling every 12 to 18 months,” she said. “We have to deal with so many sources of data now – not just structured data but unstructured.”

“But big data is not that interesting in itself. When you apply big analytics to big opportunities, that’s where you really get value.”

Clunies-Ross said an understanding of big data and analytics will become increasingly vital for businesses in the future and encourages all professionals to learn the basics if they want to succeed.

“I think analytics is going to be pervasive,” she said. “I think every technology professional needs to understand analytics.”

“Every problem is going to have a data [solution] it in the future. Every company is going to need analytics eventually if they are going to be competitive.”

“People who are active in understanding it will be marketable in the future and relevant in the future.”

She also touched on the importance of girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and how Australia needs to lean or fall behind. Watch the video above to find out more.

Angie Simmonds is business implementation manager, TSO at ANZ

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

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