
ANZ History

08 May 2024

Risk and reward on the road to Bengaluru

Jeff Whalley | Senior Journalist, ANZ

The fascinating career of ANZ Group Capability Centre Bengaluru Managing Director, Venkataraman SV, reflects the vibrancy and growth of India’s financial services.

01 Oct 2020

50 years as a brand, 185 as a bank

Content Centre of Expertise | Corporate Communications at ANZ

50 years ago today, two banks came together in a merger to form what we know as the modern day ANZ.

18 Aug 2020

Vale Will Bailey AO

Andrew Cornell | Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

Look back at the career of former ANZ CEO Will Bailey, who helped usher the bank into a new era of technology and more.

12 Dec 2019


ANZ has been in the Pacific for more than 138 years and has the region's most extensive banking network. Learn more in our Country Brief.

29 Nov 2019


29 Nov 2019

JAPAN | 日本

Japan was the first branch ANZ opened in Asia and remains a key market 50 years later. Our Country Brief tells the story.

23 Mar 2018

Punch cards and when big data meant a full filing cabinet

Matt Nicol | bluenotes contributor

Before the invention of sophisticated computer software, the humble punch card helped organisations like ANZ create and store data.

01 Mar 2018

IWD2018: women throughout ANZ’s history

James Wilson & Peter Marinick | Historical Editor, bluenotes & Archivist, ANZ

As we celebrate IWD, we look back at the women who shaped our history

14 Sep 2017

On history and breaking into your own bank

James Wilson | History editor

ANZ isn’t a 200-year old startup, but has a similar story of humble origins.

25 Aug 2017

IN PICS: a carnival of costumes & equality

Jennifer Farmer | bluenotes production editor

In part two of our history series we showcase vibrant costumes ANZ staff have worn at Sydney’s Mardi Gras (with bonus flash mob).

18 Aug 2017

Mobile history: drive-up banking & more

James Wilson | History editor

In the first of our ANZ History Series we take a look at the evolution of banking mobility.