06 Mar 2018
It’s no stretch to describe the last few months as a watershed for women.
It seems that suddenly the topic of sexism and harassment is everywhere, from Hollywood to political circles and the corporate world.
But tipping points often feel as though they spring from nowhere when in fact the pressure has been building for decades on many fronts.
Our IWD content reflects that breadth as we examine what this new world means to women leaders and how it’s shaping their priorities; the future for women in tech and the work of platforms like SheStarts for entrepreneurs; the confidence question, and the importance of flexibility and feeling safe at work.
And we ask some of our women leaders what they are reading and watching as we mark IWD.
Women in the workplace need to rise up and believe they are competent, worthy and have much to give.
Catriona Noble | MD Retail Distribution Australia, ANZ
Colossal error: the dearth of women in tech
Why are female enrolments in computer science so low and seemingly on the decline?
Christian Venter | GM Digital Technology, ANZ
IWD2018: reading for enlightened minds
We share a collection of content recommendations from some of the most-senior women in bluenotes’ sphere of influence.
Paula Dwyer, Michelle Jablko, Lynwen Connick & more
We speak to four senior female leaders from across business on how awareness of social imperatives and movements like #metoo are changing the world in which they work.
Fiona Smith | Freelance Journalist
We take a photographic tour through women’s contribution to ANZ across its history.
James Wilson & Peter Marinick | Historical Editor, bluenotes & Archivist, ANZ
We speak to two trans-women about how acceptance can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Jemma Wight | Production Editor, bluenotes
Job sharing teaches trust, delegation skills and empowerment – traits you can carry with you throughout your career.
Jemma Wight | Production Editor, bluenotes
ANZ’s Gerard Florian and Steph Stevenson chat on podcast about diversity, role models and risk.
Shane White | bluenotes senior production editor
Could tall poppy syndrome actually be an asset for better leadership?
Dr Sophie Adams | Clinical Director, Orygen
Women make up only 6.9 per cent of management positions in Japan. ANZ’s Grant Knuckey explains why something needs to change – and how at ANZ Japan it has.
Maiko Oda | Editor & Staff Writer, Nikkei Dual
Start-up founders are backing up the data which show a correlation between diversity and profitability.
Carina Parisella | Innovation Editor, bluenotes
We all need to help drive change
It’s a jungle out there and everyone has a role to play in encouraging diversity.
Elaine Bensted, CEO, Zoos SA
Parental progress: the shape of NZ workplace pregnancy
Two women – one mother and one to be - share their experiences of parental leave and its effect on their careers.
Susana Lei’ataua | bluenotes contributor
Catherine Fox is an author, journalist and guest editor of bluenotes
The art in this story - and our entire IWD coverage - was illustrated by Sarah Wilkins.
The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.
06 Mar 2018
08 Mar 2018