
Small business

11 Jul 2024

Celebrating First Nations Strength

bluenotes contributors |

Showcasing our First Nations stories

07 May 2024

BEHIND THE NUMBERS: Focused on balanced growth

Clare Morgan | Group Executive, Australia Commercial, ANZ

After two years of existing as a standalone division, ANZ Commercial is delivering growth on both sides of the balance sheet and making life easier for businesses.

12 Oct 2023

Indigenous Businesses: high growth, high impact

Robert Lichtendonk & Patrick Kelly | Senior Manager, ANZ & Head of Remote Customer Relationships, ANZ

October marks Indigenous Business month and the sector has grown exponentially in recent years. But how do they differ from non-Indigenous businesses and how can organisations like Kinaway help?

18 Aug 2023

ESG the key to unlock value for small businesses

Mark Ellul & Simon Janes | Head Community Sustainability, ANZ & Portfolio, Data & Credit Appetite Lead, ANZ

The world and its consumers are seeking to find businesses with responsible practices. Small and medium sized business can play a big role, here are some of their stories.

20 Mar 2023

Sustainable savings for business owners

Cosi De Angelis | Head of Transaction Banking, ANZ

Australian business owners save on tax by taking advantage of the asset write off scheme in preparation for the transition towards a low-carbon economy.

12 Oct 2022

The changing face of private medical practices

Prof Anthony Scott | Health & Healthcare theme lead, The Melbourne Institute

The business model for private medical practice remains alive and well despite the challenges of rising costs and COVID-19. But it still fails some communities.

05 Oct 2022

Talent doesn’t want a war they want value

Rita Newman | Group General Manager, Joiners and Movers, ANZ

Companies must invest more than ever in attracting and retaining staff as workplaces continue to evolve after the COVID-19 pandemic.

04 Oct 2022

Dining out back on the menu in Auckland but businesses remain cautious

Tarek Bazley | content editor and communications manager, ANZ New Zealand

Auckland restaurateur Krishna Botica sees an encouraging surge in bookings but challenges remain in rebuilding from the pandemic.

10 May 2022

Small business: thwarting cyber threats

Paul Presland | General Manager of Small Business Banking, ANZ

Cyber security threats are growing rapidly. Education and resources for small businesses will help avoid financial loss.

01 Nov 2021

Data and digitisation: the best friend of businesses seeking certainty

Paul Presland | General Manager of Small Business Banking, ANZ

ANZ is using new digital technologies to provide rapid support to business customers.

05 Oct 2021

Elliott: businesses prepared for re-opening but remain cautious

Shayne Elliott | Chief Executive Officer, ANZ

ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott says businesses have managed their cashflow and savings incredibly well through the pandemic. But uncertainty will remain for a bit longer.

12 May 2021

Budget 2021: the biggest wins for business

Jenefer Stewart | General Manager Business Banking, ANZ

Tax breaks, incentives for skilled labour and addressing digital security stand out for business in Australian budget.