

11 Jul 2024

Celebrating First Nations Strength

bluenotes contributors |

Showcasing our First Nations stories

26 Jun 2024

Leadership lessons from an accidental banker

Farhan Faruqui | CFO, ANZ

ANZ CFO Farhan Faruqui shares his thoughts on authentic leadership, the importance of creating safety among teams and how his father helped shaped the leader he is today.

22 May 2024

Crafting a practical career path

Kevin Corbally | Chief Risk Officer, ANZ

From chartered accountant to Chief Risk Officer, Kevin Corbally shares his practical approaches to carving out his career path.

08 May 2024

Risk and reward on the road to Bengaluru

Jeff Whalley | Senior Journalist, ANZ

The fascinating career of ANZ Group Capability Centre Bengaluru Managing Director, Venkataraman SV, reflects the vibrancy and growth of India’s financial services.

27 Feb 2024

Sisters sowing success in agribusiness

Stephen Radeski | State Agribusiness Manager, ANZ

The passion and innovation of young people will be critical to the evolution and growth of the agriculture industry in Australia.

06 Dec 2023

Bengaluru: India's talent magnet

Brett Foley | Managing Editor, bluenotes

ANZ Chief Financial Officer Farhan Faruqui thinks something unique is happening as Bengaluru grows, and he thinks the bank will be an important part of that journey.

12 Jul 2023

An inspiring journey back to the workplace

Chandna Bhatnagar | Journey Expert Chapter Lead, ANZ Bengaluru

With a wealth of skills and experience, Bangalore-based Chandna Bhatnagar was shocked at the struggle to find a job after a career break. This is what she did.

20 Jun 2023

Giving talent a chance

Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ

We are a nation of migrants but we still struggle to recognise the benefits newcomers bring. One program is helping make things easier while enriching workplaces.

17 May 2023

Never too late to find your passion

Maile Carnegie | Group Executive - Australia Retail, ANZ

Many people don’t land their dream job until later in life – so how do you know you’re on the right path?

17 Apr 2023

Bleep of faith: why tech needs risk takers

Professor Mary-Anne Williams | Michael J Crouch Chair for Innovation, UNSW & Deputy Director, UNSW AI Institute

You may be an expert in your field but are you ready to roll the dice? Xero chair David Thodey on how to live innovation.

11 Oct 2022

Kindness fuels innovation

Carina Parisella | Innovation & Technology Editor, bluenotes

Jim Hogan, neuro-inclusion pioneer and Google Cloud’s Chief Innovation Evangelist, discusses how kindness can drive innovation in the workplace.

02 Sep 2021

Jobs program to boost digital workforce

Kathryn van der Merwe | Group Executive – Talent & Culture, ANZ

Technology has changed the way we live and work forever. Now more than ever companies need to recruit people with digital and data skills who are able to take on a changing employment landscape.