

06 Jun 2024

Betting the (fish) farm in the far north

Shayne Elliott | Chief Executive Officer, ANZ

Dan and Tarun Richards have survived challenges, including the elements, to create Humpty Doo Barramundi in the Northern Territory – the largest Australian-owned sustainable fish farming operation.

28 May 2024

Singapore and the opportunity

Shayne Elliott | Chief Executive Officer, ANZ

Singapore’s geography has made it a trading hub – but it holds more potential for Australia and the region.

23 Oct 2023

From Australia to the world

Mark Whelan | Group Executive Institutional, ANZ

How can Australia reduce frictions in trade flows so the entire economy can benefit from a new era of trade?

20 Oct 2023

Asia’s next growth journey

Richard Yetsenga | Chief Economist, ANZ

China was once the only story in town, but growth in the nation of 1.4 billion people is slowing. For capital, the rest of Asia beckons.

17 Mar 2023

China ore bust?

Prof James Laurenceson | Director, Australia-China Relations Institute, UTS

The story is Australia is diversifying trade across Asia. The reality is reliance on China is as strong as ever.

19 Jul 2022

Supply chain’s bumpy ride

Vinh Thai | Asia Society Australia Supply Chain Fellow and Associate Professor, RMIT University

Ongoing turbulence in global trade is causing disruptions on a number of levels. Digitisation can help.

19 Aug 2021

Supply chains: shifting sands

Bansi Madhavani | Senior Economist, ANZ

Diversified supply chains may have increased manufacturing in regions outside China. But it still dominates global trade.

30 Jul 2021

Building resilience in Fiji tourism

Sharon Klyne | bluenotes contributor

Critical tourism infrastructure is being built in Fiji to support the post-pandemic recovery.

04 Jun 2021

Opportunity in Asia but Australia’s trade competitiveness a challenge

Bryan Clark | Director, International Chamber of Commerce Australia

Businesses and governments alike must focus on trade and diversification to engage and thrive internationally post-COVID.

24 May 2021

Foreign bank activity: healthy economic conditions

John Elias & Jeremy Blackshaw | Partner and Foreign Bank Tracker Lead Partner & International Managing Partner, MinterEllison

Confidence in Australia’s economy as an attractive investment destination is clear in foreign bank activity data.

26 Apr 2021

Shifting corridors – can banks keep up?

Martin Smith | Head of Markets Analysis, East & Partners

Supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic offer unprecedented opportunities and threats.

23 Apr 2021

Post-pandemic trade in Asia: cheer and concern

Dhiraj Nim & Sanjay Mathur | Foreign Exchange Strategist & Chief Economist Southeast Asia + India, ANZ

Are Asia’s financial markets adequately prepared for the eventual ‘re-opening trade’ of a post-COVID environment?